Remember the Y2K scare? Many thought that computers would stop working on December 31, 1999, unleashing widespread chaos. The world feared the end was nigh. Just minutes away from 2000 AD, I found myself caught up in the Y2K hysteria, hearing sirens in the distance. They grew louder and louder. As midnight struck, I saw lights flashing outside—police cars, ambulances, and firetrucks gathered in front of my house! Was it the end of the world? No, as it turned out, someone had started a fire in an empty house across the street. False alarm!
Some Christians obsess about prophecy. It is all they think about. They spend hours prepping for the apocalypse, attempting to identify the Antichrist, and stockpiling ammo. These brothers and sisters are alarmists. They’re operate out of fear. On the flip side, other Christians avoid prophecy all together, hitting the snooze button rather than anticipating Jesus’ return. This apathetic approach reflects a lack of faith. Both alarmism and apathy should be avoided.
Instead, Christians are called to be alert. As Christ teaches in Mark 13:32–33, no one knows the day or the hour of His return. According to Mark Hitchcock (not Alfred’s son), this alertness centers on a commitment to Christ, not on calendars or clocks. Have you committed your life to Christ? Are you walking in that commitment? That’s the only way to “prep” for Christ’s return. Join us in the Eschatology Sunday school class as we delve deeper into this topic. It’s not too late!
Pastor Phil