Considering that school started this week, I’d like to take this opportunity to encourage the educators within our congregation. Whether you are a teacher, administrator, principal, manager, office staff, guidance counselor, librarian, custodian, etc., I want to remind you of some truths from Scripture. These truths will help you glorify God as you serve him this school year.
First, work hard. Be the best educator you can be. Sacrifice yourself for the sake of others. Do what you need to do to perform your best. God is not pleased by half-hearted efforts and sloppiness. On the contrary, he delights in diligence and excellence. “Work heartily,” Col 3:23 reads. Why? So that others “may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matt 5:16).
Second, submit to your superiors. Due to the pandemic, you might have to go along with some safety protocol that you personally disagree with—like wearing a face mask during the school day. If this happens, how should you respond? 1 Peter 2:18 is helpful here. It reads, “Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust.” This passage teaches that our submission to our employer is not contingent upon how we feel about the situation. On the contrary, the Lord requires us to go with the flow, even when we disagree.
Third, seek out opportunities to witness. God will place you in the path of dozens of people each day—students and co-workers—who need the light of the gospel. God has placed you there to show them how great Christ is. Be prayerful about how God wants you to share his love. Be intentional. Actively seek out ways that you can—by word and deed—“let your light shine before people” (Matt 5:16).
Educators, you perform an essential task for our society. We need you. I’m thankful for you. And God has placed you in a unique place to glorify him and bring hope to our community. I pray that God would use these truths to encourage you to follow him in greater acts of obedience this year.
Pastor Chance