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Virginia Brown

Calling Men

We started coming to CBC 25 years ago. One of the first things I noticed was the large number of men in the congregation. I was attracted to raising our kids in church, where they would see men of all ages and vocations worshipping God with their families.

In 2000, the church began the Family Life Center building project. It was a chilly Saturday morning when 50–60 men gathered to help. The men spent the rest of the day (and multiple evenings and Saturdays) drywalling the FLC. This project is where I really got to know the men of CBC. The bonding through the conversations that took place as we labored together led to many friendships. When our kids reached AWANA age, I volunteered like all the other men who served as class teachers, listeners, and game leaders. I was asked to be considered as a deacon and was elected to that board in 2006 and have served in leadership since. All these positions have contributed to my growth in Christ.

As Christian men, our first calling to leadership is in our homes, as we love God, follow his commandments, and teach them to our children (Deut 6:4–7). We should also aspire to carry those leadership skills into the church. Modeling to young men through our involvement in leadership is vital to preparing the next male generations for their God-appointed responsibility to lead the church (Titus 1:6–9). It’s been quite a while since we’ve had fully staffed elder/deacon boards. Please pray that God would raise up men who would share in the calling to serve and shepherd our church body. Is God calling you?

Kevin Hofer, Elder

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