When it comes to growing in the Spirit, there are many things that I must work on. The biggest fear I tend to have is the fear of man. I have always been a people pleaser. As my wife can attest, I hate to say “no” to anyone and tend to avoid being confrontational. However, God didn’t give us a spirit of timidity but of power (2 Tim 1:7).
Lately the Holy Spirit has been convicting me to do what is right in accordance with God’s Word through three recent experiences. Firstly, for 17 years, I’ve held on to something I had stolen, and I just recently returned it. Secondly, I had been selfish, and neglected a brother in Christ, who was distraught. I should have asked him if he needed to talk or for me to pray for him, but I didn’t. A few days went by, and I felt so convicted by my actions that I found him before service on the Lord’s supper and asked for his forgiveness. Lastly, my wife rebuked me by telling me I needed to be more loving and sympathetic in my approach on how I talk to others about how one should conduct themselves in a Godly manner.
The Spirit has used these three experiences of doing God’s will regardless of the outcome. And it’s had a tremendous positive effect on my spiritual life. I didn’t do any of these tasks perfectly, but God still blessed me. I encourage my Church family to do the same. If you can address any past sins in whatever form they take, please try. As Christians, we are called to confront one other about the sin we see each other’s lives (Matt 18:15-21). Also, if anyone comes to you about sins they have witnessed in your life, consider their criticism because we often don’t see the log in our own eye. If what they say is true, ask forgiveness and be reconciled, likewise forgive those who sin against you. Let us keep the fire of Holy Spirit roaring within our church.
Keanan Fischer