Me and Cody Lorenz struck up a quick friendship when I first moved to Pierre. The first interaction I remember we had was at Red Rossa. I don’t remember if the food was good, but the fellowship was. During our time, Cody expressed his desire for marriage, though at that time he wasn’t dating anyone. His posture was to wait for the Lord to provide, and in the meantime he was busy serving the church—going to Mexico on our mission trip, helping with the youth, serving in AWANA, joining the deacons, assisting with audio/visual, etc.
As the months passed and we continued getting to know each other, Cody informed me that he had met someone very special. Her name was Sunshine! The only problem was that she lived very, very far away—in the Philippines. The distance did not deter Cody’s resolve, as he travelled several times to see Sunshine, proposing to her on his first visit (she said yes!). The COVID pandemic greatly frustrated their engagement process, as Sunshine had to wait a year and a half to receive her visa. Still, they remained patient, sought the Lord, and chose obedience over anger. Their waiting process came to an end yesterday when Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz were wedded.
God is faithful, brothers and sisters. He keeps His promises, and I’ve seen his faithfulness in and through Cody and Sunshine. This sweet, godly couple have endured in their love for Christ and for each other, despite the various challenges they experience. May we as a church rejoice in the good gifts God gives, in the endurance of the saints, and in the faithfulness of our Sovereign King.
Congrats, Cody and Sunshine!
Pastor Chance
