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Dear Church Family,

Virginia Brown

Dear Church Family,

I’ve been thinking about what I would write for the past few weeks and trying to figure out how to best share my heart for this church in this forum. How could I adequately share my love for this church? How could I express my care and concern for each of you? How could I communicate my appreciation for how you’ve cared for me and my family, poured into us, and loved on us as we have strived to do the same to you? Essentially, I want to rip open my chest and put my heart on display so that you could all see the depths of my love for you.

But I realized that I am not the only one who is heading to George. So, instead of sharing from my heart, I asked Katie and the kids to share from their hearts.


Dear church family,

I will miss you, CBC.

It is fun being here.

I also love Sunday School.

- Chloe


Dear CBC,

I will miss everyone. It was nice getting to know a lot of people here. I liked Zesto, school, McDonalds, Tokyo Sushi, the church, the Discovery Center, and lots more. It was awesome. I love people here and our house. In Iowa, the discovery center gets to be the Washington Pavilion! I am looking forward to being closer to there.

- Obadiah


Dear CBC,

I will miss all of you. I don’t want to leave. I will miss the potlucks, baptisms, and the Chili Feed. I will also miss school and Zesto. I really liked VBS, Sunday School, and AWANA. I’m looking forward to the big house in George, Iowa.

- Miriam


Dear Church Family,

I am truly humbled and grateful to have been a part of CBC. these past four years. It has been such a blessing to get to know you all and serve Christ alongside you. What an awesome God we serve! You have been an example of Christ’s love to our family. Be encouraged to keep following after Him in all that you do. I will miss you all! While we are deeply saddened to be leaving this church family, we look forward to following God’s leading in our lives in Iowa. And, we won’t be too far away – if you are ever in the area, please feel free to stop by – we would love to see you! 😊

In Christ,


We truly love you all. Our relationships are not ending here – they are entering a new season. We will be lifting you up in prayer.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord make His face to shine upon you

and be gracious to you;

May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

With deep Christian love and affection,

Pastor Jesse

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