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Don't Over-Apologize

CBC Admin

Scripture demands that we apologize when we wrong others. Apologizing is one implication of “speaking the truth in love” (Eph 4:15). To apologize is to verbalize in a spirit of brotherly love the truth that we have sinned and that we need forgiveness. Christians apologize because Christians speak the truth in love. Our desire to speak the truth in love compels us to apologize. While it is important to apologize, it is also important to not over-apologize. Christians should only apologize when they have done something wrong. We should never apologize for actions that are righteous and good. To do so would be untruthful. To do so is to lie. One reason why Christians over-apologize is because some care too much about what others think. Over-apologizing is rooted in the fear of man. We might feel pressure to apologize to resolve some conflict. Even though we didn’t do anything wrong, the conflict could be resolved if we say we’re sorry. “Not such a big deal,” we might think. Some give into this temptation. They sacrifice the truth for a false sense of reconciliation. The moral of the story is that we must always apologize for wrongdoings, and we must never apologize when we’ve done nothing wrong. As Christians, our foundation is the truth, not popularity. As Jesus says, “the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Pastor Chance

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