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  • Virginia Brown

“When I Accepted Christ as my Savior”

We often hear Christians use this statement as part of a conversion experience they had. Although the statement is not incorrect, it is important to understand who caused the “acceptance” of the believer.

When God created mankind, He regularly walked with them in the garden (Gen 3:8). He had a perfect relationship with them. But because of their disobedience and sin, His justice had to be imparted upon them which means that mankind has not only been separated from God but also are alienated and enemies of God (Rom 5:8; Col. 1:21), and even worse considered spiritually dead to God (Rom 6:13).

So how does a dead person (not injured or ill but DEAD) come out of the grave? Scripture is very clear: salvation from our dead state is only possible through the work of the Holy Spirit. This work starts with the unbelievers. Since the Holy Spirit does not indwell unbelievers (Rom 8:9), He starts the initiation by impressing upon the thoughts of their minds. The Holy Spirit “convicts the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:8). Conviction is impressing the unbeliever of the ugliness of their sin in light of a righteous and holy God and to an awareness of judgment to come if they remain in their sin. Conviction leads to regeneration, and regeneration leads to faith resulting in the unbeliever accepting to receive “new life” as they place their faith/trust in Jesus Christ.

Therefore our “acceptance” has nothing to do with anything we have done, but instead it is because of the prompting and work of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5-7). So, next time you hear someone say that “I accepted Christ as my Savior,” remember the work of the Holy Spirit and give Him praise and glory for bringing a dead person to new life.

Joel Jundt, Elder

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