Though I do not know this by experience, I imagine that infertility is one of the hardest trials that Christians face. I love my children so much. I couldn’t imagine life without them. Yet, for some Christians, biological children might not be a possibility. God truly cares for those in this circumstance. Here are four ideas from God’s Word to help those who struggle with infertility.
First, reflect on God’s character. That Bible says repeatedly and in different ways that God “is good, for his steadfast love endures forever” (Ps 136:1). Forever means forever. That is, there is never a time when God is not good or does not show steadfast love. He always has been and always will be good. Further, He is in control of all things, fecundity included. Certain stories in the OT show this (Gen 29:31, 30:22). God’s goodness and control lead us to our next point.
Second, remember that God has your good in mind. This is what Romans 8:28 says, “For those who love God all things work together for good.” You might say, “How can God use infertility for my good?!” I don’t know, but God does. In His wisdom, power, and goodness, He will fulfill this promise for all those who trust in His name. Nothing can stop God from fulfilling His promises. Nothing.
Third, pray boldly. God hears prayers. What is impossible with man is not impossible with God. Even if doctors have said that you or your spouse will not have children, ask God for a miracle. God makes it His business to confound our expectations. He’s God, after all.
Trust in the Lord, brothers and sisters. In eternity, God’s plan for those who experience infertility will become clear. In the meantime, we hang onto God’s word, knowing and believe that it is true, even when our circumstances say the opposite. God is faithful. He will uphold His word for you.
Pastor Chance