As with every else in life that is worthwhile, parenting is difficult. The challenges, the heartaches, the burdens can be overwhelming. Whether you have a newborn who doesn’t sleep well at night or a teenager who sneaks out at night, every stage of the parental task is trying. As a result of the difficulty, it is easy to become a discouraged parent. If you are one of those discouraged parents, remember what Scripture teaches in Cor 15:58, which says, “In the Lord your labor is not in vain.” Scripture teaches us that our labors for our children are not in vain. Experience, too, teaches us that our labors are worth it.
We all remember our childhood. We remember certain sights, smells, and experiences of our early years with remarkable specificity. Our memory of our childhood relates to our impressionability as children. Children are easier to influence than adults. God made children this way so that parents can have a profound impact on their children. Just as your memories of going to church and hearing of Jesus profoundly impact you, so also, they will impact your children. A childhood shaped by gospel-preaching parents impacts a person for their entire lives.
What all this means is this: don’t give up! If you are an exhausted, discouraged parent, remember that God can and will use your labors to profoundly impact your children. While you might not be able to see that now, you will see it later. Your child will remember, in ways that might surprise you, how you taught them about Jesus. God’s Word is true. Keep going and keep up the good work!
Pastor Chance
