In light of this COVID-19 situation, we must remember that Scripture commands Christians to assess risk differently than how the world assesses it. For the non-Christian, this existence is their only hope. Self-preservation ought to be their main motivator in life. They have no hope beyond the grave. All that awaits them is judgment, wrath, and misery. The closest the non-Christian will ever get to an experience comparable to heaven is found here in this world.

Our worldview is radically different. We believe that this world is just the beginning. It is in the next life where we will truly live. What awaits us in the new heavens and the new earth goes beyond “what eye has seen, what ear has heard, and what heart has imagined” (1 Cor 2:9). Unspeakable, unfathomable glories will be ours. What the sovereign God calls us to in this life is sacrifice, denial, and urgency. Self-preservation is not our main goal here. Rather, we are called to model our Savior by laying down our lives (1 Pet 2:21).
Now this doesn’t mean that Christians shouldn’t wash their hands, stay home when sick, and/or not temporarily gather in large groups. We should do all these things as an expression of our love for neighbor. Nevertheless, if God calls us to step into a dangerous context in order to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, then we throw ourselves upon the mercies of God and testify of the truth of His word. We have a job to do. We must fulfill that duty, even if it comes at a personal cost.
Pastor Chance